Thursday, January 22, 2015


Oh this is probably the best I've felt in months!

Sorry for disappearing. I need to work harder on that resolution to keep this blog going. Unfortunately my life has been pretty uninteresting as of late, or maybe I've just been depressed I don't know.

My schedule has been pretty dry. I wake up, I drive, I get gas, I drive, every couple hours take a break to get out of the car and breathe, smoke a cigarette, (yes I see the irony) and let Scuba run around and stretch her legs and exude some energy, get back in the car, drive, break, drive, break, find a parking garage to spend the night in, sleep for two hours, wake up, drive to another parking lot, sleep for two hours, rinse, repeat. That's kinda my day at the moment.

The Shadow is always right on my trail, so no matter where I am I can't stay still for any longer than two hours. I've timed it. Right at the 119 minute mark I can feel it start seeping up out of the ground and the sky, right on the dot. Makes sleeping really difficult, and money's been pretty tight so I can't caffeine binge the way I'm used to. Gotta conserve it and my cigarette's too.

This weekend though, I encountered my first crisis situation. I had officially smashed open the piggy bank to find there wasn't anything there, and I had maybe a half mile of gas left in my tank. I have the misfortune of riding around in a van, which gets about 15 MPG on a good day. It's part of why it's been taking me so long to get out of California. I've been riding around on fumes. I should get something smaller, but that would also mean getting rid of my mattress and sleeping in the truck, and I know i's going to be bad for Scuba to be in a cramped environment. If it comes to that I'm going to have to drop her in a shelter which would honestly kill me. I know, fuck me, she's a dog, but she's about the closest thing I've had to a friendly companion in almost a year, I need her.

But so anyway, I roll into this gas station and I'm literally looking at nickels and pocket lint to pay for my next tank. And I'm thinking, "Shit, I'm going to have to sell the van and get another car in less than two hours, it's all over for me," when out of nowhere this guy comes running up out of the woods into the gas station, looking really shaken up. He had a few bruises and scrapes, which made me nervous cause I don't really do well with blood. He said his car crashed, and I asked him if he needed me to call an ambulance or the police or somebody, but instead he hands me this wad of money and asks me to drive him.

I'm not an idiot, I know this guy was probably in some kind of trouble with somebody, but on the other hand, if I just took him where he needed to go I'd be able to keep myself going for at least another month. So I filled up my tank all the way for the first time in like, three weeks, and I took him where he needed to go.

Turns out he was a pretty nice guy. I gave him my number, told him to call me if he never needed a ride again.

The important thing however is that this ordeal got my brain turning. Lots of you runners out there need to go places but don't have the means of doing so. Well here I am lucky enough to have a van and in desperate need of cash. I'm thinking about starting up a runner cab service. It'd give me something to do, and I'd have a way of talking to people who might have known what happened to Mom and Corrine.

I still need to work out some details but until then, I am excited. Haven't even smoked in two days. I'm feeling awesome.

-B ✿


  1. You are awesome! Keep being awesome!

    And remember......Smile!


  2. See we have an entrepreneur here.

    1. :D Hopefully. I'd love to be able to not starve to death.

  3. There truly are no coincidences in this world. Did the boy you give a ride to happen to be named Jeremy?

  4. Well, looks like you caught a "lucky" break. I think that event may bode well for your future.
